How often should Emergency Lighting be Tested?

How often should emergency lighting be tested?

So, how often should emergency lighting be tested?  Well, your emergency lighting should be regularly tested to make sure it’s working properly in case it’s called upon in the event of an emergency. There are 3 different testing frequencies that should all be followed to ensure compliance: Daily, Monthly, and Annually.

The daily check is only for central battery emergency lighting systems and involves a visual check of the central system indicator to check its status. A central battery system is less common than the stand-alone battery type where each light has its own battery.

The monthly check is for both central battery and stand-alone systems and involves checking that all emergency lights illuminate when the mains power to the lights is isolated. The LED indicators should also be checked for satisfactory operation.

The annual test is for both central battery and stand-alone systems and is the more complex of the 3 different checks. During the annual check the system will be isolated from mains power usually for 3 hours, this is to check the satisfactory operation of the emergency light batteries and that the lux level is adequate for the full duration that the system is required to function. The system will also be inspected with regards to the siting of the emergency lights and various other regulatory aspects.

How often should non maintained emergency lighting be checked?

Non-maintained emergency lighting does not provide standard lighting, only emergency lighting. Despite this difference, it should be checked just as often as maintained emergency lighting.

Emergency light testing

What is the legal requirement for emergency light testing?

An important aspect of building maintenance, Emergency Light Testing is compulsory for all premises where emergency lighting is present and required. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 stipulates that emergency lighting must be provided to enable the safe exit from a building.

The only way to ensure compliance with this order is by having a system installed and then regularly testing it to make sure it’s functioning correctly. 

Who can carry out emergency light testing?

The person responsible for testing the emergency lighting system must be competent and able to responsibly test the system in accordance with BS5622-1.

Some businesses carry out their monthly checks in house by designating a member of staff to carry out this role, whereas other businesses engage the services of an emergency light testing firm.

The annual test is almost always carried out by a specialist firm like Hexo Electrical Testing.

How much does it cost to test emergency lighting?

So, how much does it cost to test emergency lighting? Well, at Hexo we offer clear and fixed prices on all our emergency light testing services. Our prices start at £60+VAT for a monthly check and £249+VAT for an annual test. 

You can find our emergency light testing prices here, or get in touch with us for a bespoke quotation.

To find out more about our Emergency Light Testing services and your legal obligations, get in touch with us by emailing, or calling 0207 315 4151.

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