Electrical Safety: 10 Ways to Protect Your Home

As we’re sure you already know, electrical safety is of the upmost importance. Even so, 53.4% of all accidental domestic fires in 2019 had an electrical origin, according to Electrical Safety First.

At Hexo Electrical Testing, we’re dedicated to helping the nation become more aware of electrical safety and the potential dangers around the home.

So here we want to highlight the top 10 things you can do to improve electrical safety at home, so you can avoid hazards, fires and accidents.

Electrical Safety: 10 Ways to Protect Your Home

Register your products

You might be wondering how to protect electrical appliances at home. Well, Electrical Safety First is a fantastic source for homeowners and businesses. The organisation is dedicated to reducing the number of injuries and deaths caused by electricity.

It focuses on electrical safety tips and offers a database for recalled electrical items in the UK.

Recalled products

A recalled product is one that the manufacturer has found a fault with.

Kettles, phone chargers, irons and hair dryers are recalled regularly, but only between 10% and 20% of recalled items are ever returned. Yet, in 2018, 71% of electrical fires were started by appliances.

How to register with Electrical Safety First

Electrical Safety First also offers assistance with registering electrical items. Then, if the manufacturer of that appliance finds a potentially hazardous issue with it, they will let you know directly.

This is a fantastic way to avoid electric shocks or accidental fires.

Be vigilant and test, test, test

To guarantee electrical safety at home and protect your family, you should remain vigilant around the house. After all, electrical safety starts with caution.

Keep an eye on your electrical equipment and regularly check for signs of damage or deterioration.

This includes electrical cables, extension leads and appliances. Look out for exposed wires, overheating, and electric shocks.

Regular electrical checks for landlords and homeowners

Landlords and homeowners should also have their entire electrical systems inspected by a professional electrician at least once every five years.

The service needed for this is a Domestic EICR. You may also want to include annual PAT Testing, especially if you rent your property out to others.

Don’t overload sockets

While you might feel you need to plug in several extension leads to power up all your devices at once, overloading plug sockets is a common cause of electrical fires.

When it comes to electrical safety at home, sockets play a huge role. They should always be cool to the touch so if you spot a hot socket, turn it off immediately and call an electrician.

Never overload an extension lead either. This can exceed the maximum current rating for the extension lead, causing overheating and possibly a fire.

Always buy from a reputable source

When it comes to how to protect electrical appliances at home, this is key. It might be tempting to purchase a second hand hair dryer from an online auction site, but poor quality electrical goods can be hazardous.

Only ever purchase electrical appliances from a reputable source and opt for a reputable manufacturer. You should also only buy official branded chargers for laptops and phones, to avoid counterfeit goods that could potentially be dangerous.

Test your fire alarms

In the event of a fire, your in-house smoke detectors could save your life. Ignore your smoke detection system and you could put yourself and your family at risk.

If your fire alarms are battery operated, check they’re working correctly at least once a month. If possible, choose smoke alarms with a sealed battery and a 10-year lifespan. If you can, always opt for an alarm powered by mains electricity with a backup battery.

You can find out more from the London Fire Brigade.

Keep away from water

This might sound like an obvious one, but water and electricity don’t mix. Most electrical appliances should be kept away from water. Basically, this is home electrical safety 101.

There’s a high risk of electrocution if you use an electrical appliance with wet hands. So, it’s best to leave the radio out of the bathroom and always unplug your kettle before filling it!

Unplug unused appliances

If an appliance isn’t being used, unplug it. Not only will this save you money on your electricity bills, since appliances still use power on standby mode, but it also protects them from overheating.

Look after your cables

Power cables can easily become damaged, especially if they’re stored incorrectly. Ensure your electrical appliances are kept in a dry place and always keep the cables straight.

Wrapping cables around appliances might save space, but it can stretch the wiring inside and lead to overheating. 

Consider a Residual Current Device

Residual Current Devices (RCD) are life-savers when it comes to home electrical safety. They’re designed to prevent you from getting an electric shock in the event of an electrical fault. They can also protect against electrical fires.

RCDs should always be used with outdoor electrical equipment. For example, if you’re mowing the lawn and accidentally run over the power cable, your RCD will cut the power and stop you from getting injured.

You can opt for a Fixed RCD, which is installed into your consumer unit, or a Socket-Outlet RCD, which can be used in the place of a standard power socket.

Always read the label

Another obvious one, but before using an appliance, you should always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to do so can lead to injury or damage to the appliance, which could create a fire risk.

After all, electrical safety and electrical testing is all about being sensible and vigilant.

To find out more about our electrical services and competitive EICR costs, get in touch with us by emailing info@hexoelectricaltesting.co.uk/old, or calling 0207 315 4151.

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